English Collocation
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How to Study English Collocations

It doesn't make much sense to pick up a dictionary and study all the words there. Similarly, it doesn't make sense to pick up a collocation dictionary to study all the words.

The best way is to find the most frequently used words in the English language and study the most frequently used collocations. That is exactly what EnglishCollocation.com has done.

EnglishCollocation.com has identified the 2000 most frequently used vocabulary words in the English language and created a collocation lesson for each word.

There are over 2000 FREE collocation lessons in ESL Vocabulary Lessons. You can find any word by searching, or you can study them by order of frequency.

In each lesson, many example sentences will be provided. Collocations will be broken down by noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and preposition.

In each example sentence, some words will be bolded and some will be underlined. The underlined word is the main word of the lesson. The bolded words are the co-occurring word. The combination of the underlined word and the bolded word will create the collocation.

For example, three collocations for the word ‘friend' are ‘best,' ‘good,' and ‘loyal.' Here are some example sentences:

"She talks to her best friend every day."

"He lives with some good friends."
(good, close)

* The word 'close' is another collocation that can be used in the place of 'good' such as "He lives with some close friends."

"She has been a loyal friend for many years."
(loyal, real, trusted, true, faithful)

* All the words in the parenthesis can be used in the place of 'loyal.' These are other examples of collocations for the word 'friend.'

All the lessons are freely available. Please visit the Vocabulary Lessons Page to study all the lessons.